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The red-headed league and other stories

по продавцям Лара439

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Автор Arthur Conan Doyle

The proposed collection presents Arthur Conan Doyle’s (1859-1930) most popular stories about Sherlock Holmes. Here, the famous detective for the first time will have to deal with the woman’s intuition which will shatter his best thought-out plans; will handcuff the most defiant London felon; will reserve for himself the right not to take to court the accused of murder; will fearlessly hurl himself into the battle with the powerful world organization; will expose the mercantile scheme of a stepfather with regard to his stepdaughter and clear up the circumstances of the disappearance of the lovely lady’s husband. His incisive mind, his stunning logical thought and unusual, incredible power of observation do not cease amazing the reader and are revealed in this collection at the utmost.

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