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Hissy Fit

по продавцям Mariana531

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Автор Mary Kay Andrews

Andrews is at her best in this thoroughly satisfying story with the right blend of mystery, romance, and sharply funny writing.' — Orlando Sentinel

A delicious tale of revenge and renovation, Hissy Fit tells of a wronged spitfire who’s determined to see that the no-good lowdown, lying, cheating ex-fiancé who ruined her life and her business gets the comeuppance he deserves…even as she struggles to revitalize a broken-down mansion for a hunky, if slightly odd, local businessman.

Whether it’s a mystery, sassy women’s fiction, or a combination of the two, New York Times bestselling author Mary Kay Andrews always gives her fans a read to remember. And now she’s throwing a Hissy Fit, in the best possible sense. If you like the novels of Fannie Flagg, Jennifer Crusie, Adriana Trigiani, and Emily Giffin, or are a devoted follower of Rebecca Wells or Jill Conner Browne’s Sweet Potato Queens, then Mary Kay’s Hissy Fit is not to be missed.

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