Ceʼine: journal to the end of the night
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Автор William T. Vollmann
"The terrifying French novelist, Louis-Ferdinand Céline-an enormously powerful and slashing, satiric, misanthropic writer. But what power of the imagination!"
-James Laughlin
Céline's revulsion at what he considered the idiocy and hypocrisy of society bursts from nearly every page of this novel. Written in urgent and explosive language, Journey to the End of the Night is a literary symphony of violence and cruelty. The story of the improbable travels of the petit-bourgeois (and largely autobiographical) antihero, Bardamu—from the trenches of World War I, to the African jungle, to New York and the Ford factory in Detroit, and finally to life in Paris as a failed doctor-takes the reader by the scruff as it hurtles toward the novel's inescapable conclusion.
Ralph Manheim's translation captures the savage energy of Céline's original French, while a dramatic afterword by William T. Vollmann echoes Céline's volatile writing style and gives the reader a dynamic, contemporary perspective on the fury of this astonishing novel.
Louis-Ferdinand Céline's (1894-1961) novels include Death on the Installment Plan and Guignol's Band, both published by New Directions.
William T. Vollmann is the autho
• Central, which won the National
Book Award for fiction in 2005, The Atlas winner of the 1997 PEN Center
West Award), and Seven Dreams: A Book of Nosth American Landscapes.
"Céline is an extraordinarily gifted writer...He writes like a lunging live wire, crackling and wayward, full of danger."
—Alfred Kazin
"Céline was a great writer not because he was a stylist alone but because he was able to bring together sensation, thought and expression in a way that drove his readers to the edge of consciousness."
—The Nation
Cover art by Natan Nuchi;
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