Games People Play. The psychology of human relationships
Книги від різних продавців прийдуть окремими посилками. Зважайте на вартість доставки
Автор Eric Berne
Do you realise you, and all the people you know, play games? All the time? Sexual games, marital games, complex games that you're not even aware of as you go about your usual life? You might play games like 'Alcoholic' or 'The Frigid Woman' at weekends, or perhaps 'Ain't it awful' or 'Kick me' while you're at work. First published in the 1960s and recognized as a classic work of its kind by professionals, the bestselling "Games People Play" is also an accessible and fascinating read. It is a wise, original, witty and very sensible analysis of the games we play in order to live with one another - and with ourselves. Джерело: https://nashformat.ua/products/games-people-play-the-psychology-of-human-relationships-901510?gclid=Cj0KCQiA1NebBhDDARIsAANiDD1US-pQeKdtoPzRQVQjMYO7hVeu8XJy5gHKD0kjyFDapSZEItvekj0aArK7EALw_wcB
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