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Lindt ^ Chocolate Passion

по продавцям Оксана576

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Ціна раніше ₴280.00 - Ціна раніше ₴280.00
Ціна раніше
₴280.00 - ₴280.00
Ціна зараз ₴280.00

Автор Master Swiss Chocolate

indt, an iconic world leader and pioneer in the premium chocolate market since 1845, is known for its innovation and creativity while embracing and celebrating its Siviss heritage and rich tradition for chocolate-making. Rodolphe Lindt revolutionized the chocolate industry in 1879 when he invented
conching. the process that set the standard for all chocolate as we know it today. He created a chocolate of unprecedented smoothness and delicate flavor, and that had a silky way of melting. Noching like it had ever been achieved in the long history of chocolate.
We at Lindt are proud to present this unique collection of chocolate recipes which have been created by our Maîtres Chocolatiers, or Masters, who have tended the legacy of personally developing the premium chocolate for which Lindt is known worldwide.
Attention to detail, unmatched expertise, and working with only the finest, highest-quality ingredients, are hallmarks of the Lindt tradition.
Welcome to our kitchen! We hope you enjoy Lind Chocolate Passion and these exquisite recipes from our Maîtres Chocolatiers.

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