The Definitive Book of Body Language
по продавцям Paul824
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Автор Allan & Barbara Pease
Allan and Barbara Pease are the
internationally renowned experts in
human relations and body language,
whose 20 million book sales worldwide have turned them into household
People's body language reveals that
what they say is often very different
from what they think or feel. It is a
scientific fact that people's gestures
give away their true intentions. Every
day we are confronted by hundreds
of different signals that can mean
anything from 'That's a great idea' to
'You must be kidding'. And we are all
sending out these signals whether we
realise it or not.
Now, in this authoritative guide
written with great humour and insight,
you can learn the secrets of body
language to give you more confidence
and control in any situation — from
negotiating a deal to finding the right
partner. Discover the techniques
that will show you how to interpret
gestures, read the underlying thoughts
and emotions — and reach the right
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